Steven Spielberg on why he thinks his sequels aren’t very good

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Steven Spielberg Indiana Jones and the Kindom of the Crystal Skull The Lost Work Jurassic Park

Although I wouldn't presume that everyone shares my opinion, it probably wouldn't be completely out of order for me to say that Steven Spielberg has given the world some of its very best cinematic stories. With films like JAWS, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, JURASSIC PARK and others under his belt, Steven Spielberg has definitely proven his talent, but, they can't all be winners. While speaking with the New York Times, Spielberg opened up about his sequels and why he believes that they're not as good as they could have been.

My sequels aren’t as good as my originals because I go onto every sequel I’ve made and I’m too confident. This movie made a ka-zillion dollars, which justifies the sequel, so I come in like it’s going to be a slam dunk and I wind up making an inferior movie to the one before. I’m talking about “The Lost World” and “Jurassic Park.”

When it comes to original films, Steven Spielberg looks for things that will scare him, "fear is my fuel. I get to the brink of not really knowing what to do and that’s when I get my best ideas. Confidence is my enemy and it always has been." Spielberg doesn't have too many sequels under his belt, just TEMPLE OF DOOM, THE LAST CRUSADE, KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL and THE LOST WORLD at the moment, but he is due to return to the world of Indiana Jones on July 19, 2019 with INDIANA JONES 5; lets hope he doesn't let his confidence get the best of him this time.

Steven Spielberg's latest, THE BFG, is due to hit theaters on July 1, 2016.

Source: New York Times

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.