The Flash will likely be renewed for season 9 as Grant Gustin finalizes new deal

The Flash, season 9, Grant Gustin, The CW

The Flash may very well be speeding towards a ninth season. Deadline has reported that series star Grant Gustin is close to finalizing a new contract to reprise his role of Barry Allen/The Flash, which means that The CW will likely be announcing The Flash season 9 before long.

As Arrow wound up calling it quits after eight seasons, fans were worried that The Flash might do the same. Should The Flash be renewed for season 9, it will become the longest running Arrowverse series on The CW. This may very well be the final season of The Flash as Deadline’s sources told them that Grant Gustin turned down a multi-year deal in favour of a deal lasting just one year. The new contract will also bring about a sizable raise for Gustin, who is currently making more than $200,000 an episode. Another aspect of this new deal would cap Grant Gustin’s involvement at just 15 episodes, which would make it the shortest season of The Flash yet. If this really will be the last season of The Flash, fans can be glad that the series will receive a proper conclusion.

After Arrow came to a close in 2020 both Supergirl and Black Lightning concluded last year, but Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Superman & Lois are still going strong. Legends of Tomorrow is currently in the midst of its seventh season, with Batwoman in the middle of its third and Superman & Lois recently kicking off its second season. It was also announced that a new Arrowverse series starring David Ramsey as John Diggle is in development. The potential series would find Diggle embarking on a new mission to recruit five young meta humans to live undercover as freshmen at a prestigious university. There he will oversee their education and train them to become the heroes of tomorrow.

Source: Deadline

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.