The “Rogue cut” of X-Men: Days of Future Past will be 17 minutes longer

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

You may recall that Anna Paquin had shot and completed her role in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST only to have her entire sequence cut from the film. It wasn't too long before we were promised that a "Rogue cut" of the film would arrive on Blu-ray with the character's small arc restored. News came out yesterday that the extended film had been submitted to the BBFC and was listed as having a running time of 142 minutes and 37 seconds, which is just over 11 minutes longer than the theatrical cut; however director Bryan Singer took to Twitter to clarify that the new cut will actually be a bit longer than that:

I wonder what these "little changes" will consist of; will they merely be additional scenes or could they even be a tease for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE? There's no street date for the Blu-ray/DVD release at the moment but it's expected to arrive sometime this summer. The release is said to be a distinct film with distinct extras from the existing Blu-ray of X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST, meaning that it will be complimentary to the first release and not repetitive. What does that mean you might ask? They want you to buy both.

Simon Kinberg on the cut scenes and Rogue:

It’s a big chunk, a substantial part of the movie. We want to give (fans) the fullest picture of the film — behind the camera, and in front of it…Every movie has scenes that are cut out, but not every movie has scenes cut out with such a beloved character. The Rogue subplot was originally there because I wanted a mission for the older Charles and Eric to do, something like Unforgiven – two last gunslingers, Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman – that kind of a mission for them. I just loved the idea of that. Nothing in the story necessitated that, but just for a lark, I thought it would be a cool thing to see, because we may never see it again.

The follow up film, X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, is scheduled to arrive in theaters May 27, 2016.

Will you be adding the "Rogue cut" to your movie collection or giving it a pass?

Source: Twitter

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9804 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.