Two Weeks Notice

Review Date:
Director: Marc Lawrence
Writer: Marc Lawrence
Producers: Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock
Hugh Grant
Alicia Witt
Lucy is a lawyer who likes to do the right thing and help needy people whenever she can. George is a multi-millionaire who likes to nail his female co-workers and look “dashing”. Then one day, George’s brother insists that he hire a lawyer who is actually good at law and not just “easy on the eyes”, so George hires Lucy and the next thing you know…sparks fly between them. Hollywood romance and comedy ensues.
I guess it’s that time of the year again when disposable, rehashed romantic comedies are released for the sake of the whole “chick flick” demographic over the holidays. Not that this is a completely “bad” thing, but wouldn’t it be nice if they tried to make at least one of these movies…that wasn’t entirely predictable? MAID IN MANHATTAN was the first spring-chicken out of the “weak-ass script gates” this year, and while a nice showing from J-Lo and a couple of funny secondary characters salvaged it somewhat, it was basically yet another lackluster addition. Now comes TWO WEEKS NOTICE with its equally throwaway screenplay, but with solid chemistry between Bullock and Grant, as well as a number of chuckles and cutesy romantic moments. This movie is basically what I would call “harmless fluff”. Nobody’s gonna get hurt while watching it, women will likely dig it because of the whole “prince charming” vibe, as well as the fact that the lead girl isn’t your typical “beauty” (she stuffs her face, you see), while guys will most likely enjoy it because their girlfriends will tell them that they enjoyed it (a man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do). I had an okay time watching this film and when you consider that I’m going through my “all women suck” phase…that’s saying quite a lot! Then again, I’ve always enjoyed Grant’s humor, and he’s up to his old stuttering tricks here, with plenty of raised eyebrows, charming goofiness and endearing self-deprecation all around. Bullock is also cute as a button and I especially liked the way that she ran in this movie (don’t ask). She delivers yet another solid comedic performance and even breaks down for a couple of emotional scenes?

Nobody’s gonna mistake this trip down predictable lane as Shakespeare, but as long as you’re expecting easy-going fluff, jokes which involve Bullock getting her hair stuck in Grant’s zipper and someone walking in on them in the bathroom, or appreciate the past work of both these comedic actors, you will likely enjoy the film overall, even if you forget most of everything that you will see, five minutes after you walk out of the theater and into the nearest bar to drown your sorrows. Which reminds me of a pretty funny scene involving Bullock, alcohol, a lifejacket and a reference to her being able to perform a “salty pretzel” in bed. Nice! Or as Hugh Grant would say in his oh-so funny way: “Right.” As for the story, it’s really not about much. She’s a lawyer, he’s a millionaire, she hates him at first, he finds her interesting…there’s sexual tension, she quits and the next thing you know…well, I’ll leave the ending as a “surprise” for you all. Bullock also gets hit in the head with a ball during a tennis match (which I believe is now a staple for any generic comedy), while Grant looks amusingly ridiculous in a suit and giant tie in one fundraiser scene, and everybody goes home happy. Robert Klein is also comical as Bullock’s father, and her mom has one funny staring scene, but other than that, everyone else is superfluous at best. But it’s all about the two crazy kids under the spotlight anyway, right? So if you like fluffy romantic comedies that will make you chuckle and smile and forget…see this movie. Otherwise, wait for video…and chuckle and smile and forget.

PS: This is one of the oddest homages that I’ve ever noted in any such commercial film, but during one scene in Coney Island, Bullock’s character refers to a Mrs. Goldfarb, who used to sit out in the street with her older friends. Actress Ellen Burstyn played the character of Mrs. Goldfarb at Coney Island (and splendidly at that) in Darren Aronofsky’s unforgettable REQUIEM FOR A DREAM in 2000. Nice one, Mr. Lawrence…I’m impressed.

(c) 2021 Berge Garabedian

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