Vegas Vacation

Review Date:
Director: Stephen Kessler
Writer: Elisa Bell
Producers: Jerry Weintraub
Chevy Chase
Beverly D’Angelo
Randy Quaid
Youch, what the f**k happened here!?!

I’ve loved all of the VACATION movies, especially the first two, but this one just BIT THE FRIGGIN’ BIG ONE!

Not one laugh did this film manage to extract from me. It was sad, quite sad, seeing Chase so obviously “trying” to ham it up as the loveable Griswald that he was in the first three parts. Ugh, what an obvious money-making movie (thank God, it tanked!).

Granted, D’Angelo looked GREAT in the film (actually seems to be looking better in every flick) and Audrey was probably the sexiest one yet, but what the heck was going on in that damn dam sequence (Chase hanging off a pathetic blue screened electric wire….ugh).

An embarassment to be sure. I think I’ve given a point to each of the ladies in the film and another point just for being the Griswalds. Yipes.

(c) 2021 Berge Garabedian

Vegas Vacation



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