We Talk Geostorm with Gerard Butler, Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish and More!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

In the new disaster flick GEOSTORM, weather is being used as a weapon to cause serious damage here on Earth. Of course, we've seen some serious sad and horrific real life disasters as of late, thankfully this flick is the right amount of tongue firmly in cheek. And yes, sometimes it is fun to have a little escapism when it comes to on-screen man vs. nature. Think massive special effects and add to that Gerard Butler, and you have yourself a fun way to spend some time in the cinema this October. Also starring Jim Sturgess, Abbie Cornish, Ed Harris and Andy Garcia, GEOSTORM is the directorial debut of the very talented writer-producer Dean Devlin, and it’s about to hit a theatre near you.

Recently, at the junket for the film, we spoke to Mr. Devlin about his latest project. He discussed the balance of making an entertaining and fun adventure flick, but still presenting the case for protecting our Earth. He talked about bringing the storms to life and creating this massive feature film. It’s always a pleasure to chat with Dean, and from what I can tell, the cast appeared to enjoy working with him quite a bit.

Speaking with both Jim Sturgess and Abbie Cornish, the two chatted about playing their particular roles and their on-screen relationship. They also had great things to say about working with Dean and what it was like to be on a film such as this. And finally, we spoke to Gerard Butler. This was my first time interviewing Mr. Butler, but it was an absolute pleasure. The actor clearly enjoyed playing in this sandbox and getting to step in the shoes of one of the scientist role – something a bit unsual for the actor. In fact, he was so easy to talk to that if I wasn’t a fan of his already I would instantly be one after our chat. Are you ready for GEOSTORM? Check it out starting tonight with late shows, and opening wide on Friday.

Source: JoBlo.com

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JimmyO is one of JoBlo.com’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.