Woody Harrelson is Kinda Crazy (video)

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

All actors are kinda crazy. Oh goody!

Especially that one guy they call Woody. Woody Harrelson has entertained audiences with many wild characters on the big (and small) screen. He has provided much spectacle off screen as well. Over the years, Mr. Harrelson has engaged in many political protests and run-ins with the law after a wild night of drinks or drugs or both. This partying "happy hippie" persona has only fueled his film and television career. With friends like Bill Murray and Willie Nelson, Woody has established himself amongst the coolest of cool pop (and pot) culture icons. This super star can jump from one genre to the other with ease. Want some slapstick comedy? Woody's got it! Want a heart wrenching gritty indie drama? Woody's got it! Want a major sci-fi epic franchise? Woody's got those too! Working with the Farrelly and the Coen Brothers has given Woody the opportunities to flash around his freak flag onto the history of cinema. Sometimes it's good to be kinda crazy like Woody Harrelson. Check out the video! Which "kinda crazy" actor/filmmaker should we cover next?

Source: JoBlo.com

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