Top 10: Naughty vs. Nice #2

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

Happy Holidays everybody. One of the classic set-ups in horror is to pit the innocent against the not so innocent. And since ‘ole St. Nick likes to do the whole good list/bad list thing I thought we’d help him out in a small way, and take a look at some of horrors greatest smackdowns between naughty and nice.

Of course sometimes the categories are relative, so if you have your own noms, or just disagree with how I classify these battles, make sure to spit bullets below.

But most importantly, have a great trek into the new year. And as always, be safe if you can’t be good!



5. Laurie Strode vs. Michael Myers; H2O

I was going to go with the original HALLOWEEN, of course, for this match up, but the more I thought about it the more I realized that the Strode sibling relationship is much deeper and interesting in H2O than in either of the first two. It feels like both players have a full sense of what’s at stake in H2O. And that makes for good times.

4. Regan MacNeil vs. The Devil; THE EXORCIST

“Your mother sucks cocks in hell” spewing out of that innocent little face. Tragic and awesome all at the same time. At this point in the series we’ve thankfully never heard of Pazuzu, or any of the silly ponderings that Part II brought our way. It’s just a little girl in a room possessed by the Devil, hoping a couple of priests can help her. And you know what? They do.

3. Monster Squad vs. Dracula’s Crew; THE MONSTER SQUAD

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. PG-13 has been used in a reasonable way about three times in the history of Hollywood, and this monster mash is one of them. Pit a bunch of inexperienced kids against the entire Universal catalog, and you’ve got one nasty fight in the making. The best thing? Even though the kids act like kids, they do not act like idiots.

2. Lynn Peltzer vs. Gremlins; GREMLINS

F*ck me! I got home from work the other night and my wife was watching GREMLINS on AMC. So that makes me feel old. But it also makes me realize that the kitchen scene in the flick is one of the best fun moments in horror history. And it all ends with the famous nuking of a G-man. If you don’t love this part of the movie than you and me got nothing, and I mean nothing, to talk about.

1. Carol Anne Freeling vs. Poltergeist; POLTERGEIST

Real life happenings aside, the image of those blonde tresses in front of a static-y TV remain some of the most powerful in genre history. And as the movie goes on, we’d certainly care about the fate of all the Freelings, but you have to admit that seeing little Carol Anne get kidnapped is a classic are you f*cking kidding me moment.


Got a Top 10 idea? Hit me up at [email protected]

Source: AITH

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