Anderson helms Afterlife?

Last Updated on July 28, 2021

Not Arnold. Albert Wesker.Paul Anderson is going for the gusto, it seems. According to (of all places) Wikipedia, the next entry into the RESIDENT EVIL series, called RESIDENT EVIL: AFTERLIFE, could be directed by Paul W.S. Anderson, which should come as no surprise to anyone who followed the other two films (both were written and/or directed by Anderson).

Granted, it is Wikipedia, which is a free online dictionary where anyone can post/edit entries on a whim, so call it a rumour for now. As well as Anderson (possibly) returning to the director’s chair, his wife Milla Jovovich will reprise her role as Alice, Mike Epps will return as the cab driver L.J. (huh?) and the very lovely Sienna Guillory will return as Jill Valentine.

On tap to appear are two more characters from the games: Leon Kennedy (of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4 fame) and the enigmatic Albert Wesker (who gamers last saw in RE: Code Veronica X). Again, this is all speculation from the source, so don’t go running into the streets yet. RE: AFTERLIFE is set for a 2007 release.

Source: Bloody-Disgusting

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