Cast This: Namor the Sub-Mariner

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Namor the Sub-Mariner is one of Marvel's oldest characters, with his eight-page origin story first appearing in the unpublished Motion Picture Funnies Weekly before being expanded upon in Marvel Comics #1 all the way back in October of 1939. At the time, Marvel wasn't even Marvel yet; The publisher was known as Timely Comics and wouldn't officially become the Marvel we know for several decades, but throughout it all, Namor was there.

I can hear you now, "why would we need another aquatic superhero when we've got Aquaman?" Well, I'll tell you. Sure, Namor shares a lot of characteristics with Aquaman (Jason Momoa), but unlike DC's morally upright do-gooder, Namor is, well, a bit of a dick. Over the years, the famously hot-headed character has toed the line between hero and villain in his frequent battles with heroic "surface-dwellers" such as The Fantastic Four and The Avengers. He's also quite combative in his quest to protect Atlantis, destroying ships, buildings, and just about anything else that gets in his way. That said, despite his apparent distaste for the surface world, Namor has also fought alongside its heroes as well, when it suited him. As the offspring of an American sea captain and an Atlantean princess, Namor is unique among both humans and Atlanteans, in fact, he has sometimes been referred to as "Marvel's first mutant" due to his abilities which include superhuman strength, longevity, and speed. Namor can also fly thanks to tiny wings on his ankles. Yep. Tiny wings on his ankles. I love it. His abilities are also dependent on physical contact with water, and although he can survive on land, his strength will slowly diminish over time.

There have been several attempts to bring Namor to the big-screen over the years, but nothing has come of it. There's also the pesky issue of rights which may be holding up the proceedings. Universal Pictures had held the rights to Namor for years, and although they've since returned home, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has said that the situation is slightly more complicated than just putting a Namor film into development. "Let’s put it this way – there are entanglements that make it less easy," Feige said. "There are older contracts that still involve other parties that mean we need to work things out before we move forward on it. As opposed to an Iron Man or any of the Avengers or any of the other Marvel characters where we could just put them in." It may be a ways off, but I'm keeping my ankle wings crossed that Namor the Sub-Mariner will be somewhere in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

We've now reached the point where we should begin discussing possibilities on just who could take on the role of Namor the Sub-Mariner. It would have to be someone who could take this potentially unlikable character and give him enough charm to make us love the son of a bitch. Also, the ability to kick some ass and look good while doing it wouldn't be out of order either. I'll toss out a few suggestions to get you started. As Magneto in the X-MEN franchise, Michael Fassbender has suffered from the cruelty of mankind. Slap some pointed ears and ankle wings on him, and you've got Namor. Pedro Pascal (Game of Thrones) and Donnie Yen (ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY) would also be fine choices for the role.

Remember, you're free to suggest anyone in the comments, so let your inner casting director run wild!

Previously on Cast This, you were asked to fill the role of Ahsoka Tano, the young Padawan apprentice of Anakin Skywalker who, over the course of Star Wars: The Clones Wars and Star Wars: Rebels, came into her own as a truly compelling character in the STAR WARS franchise. Many of you were onboard with Rosario Dawson (The Defenders) or Tessa Thompson (THOR: RAGNAROK) taking on the role, but there was also love for Ashley Eckstein as well, the actress who has voiced Ahsoka for the past decade.


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9965 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.