Disney’s Moana has to change its name in Italy because of porn

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Well, this is surprising news! Disney's MOANA will apparently be having its name changed in Italy to OCEANIA. Now, that's of course not news worthy, as many titles change when being translated into other languages, like how in Portugal LOST IN TRANSLATION is called MEETINGS AND FAILURE IN MEETINGS and in China SIXTH SENSE is called HE'S A GHOST!

But what is interesting is the reason why: reportedly, the change is due to the fact that "Moana" is also the name of a famous Italian porn star, Moana Pozzi (1961-1994). Pozzi was known not just for porn however, but also as a frequent talk show guest where she was beloved for being independent and outspoken, especially as an advocate for gay and sexual rights. 

Disney Italia of course hasn't officially stated if this is the reason, and has yet to comment on it. However, according to The Hollywood Reporter, multiple sources have confirmed that that is indeed the reason (one source even citing the director himself).

In any case, MOANA will be coming to the US November 23th, 2016, while it will be released in Italy (as OCEANIA) on December 22nd.

Also, fyi, be careful when you type in "Moana Porn" on Google. You get some…messed up shit. Not that I would know, of course…

Source: THR

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