INT: Step parents

Both Mary Steenburgen and Richard Jenkins are incredible actors. And they have each appeared in some amazing films. For Steenburgen, it all began with the great MELVIN AND HOWARD. She went on to appear in a ton of films including PARENTHOOD, DEAD OF WINTER, BACK TO THE FUTURE PART 3 and the upcoming THE OPEN ROAD. Mr. Jenkins was a wonderful addition to the series “Six Feet Under” and he has also contributed to such films as NORTH COUNTRY, I HEART HUCKABEES and most recently won rave reviews for THE VISITOR. And now, they are together as a newly married couple in STEP BROTHERS.

It was quite an experience sitting across from the two actors. They are both very engaging and very nice. And of course, looking at Mary only confirmed my belief that there is no way that she could be Will Ferrell’s mother… like no way at all. But the two talked about parenting and what they brought to the table looking at their own lives. They are both very good as the much too lenient parents in STEP BROTHERS. And you can see this for yourself, as the film opens Friday at a theatre near you.


About the Author

3132 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.