JJ Abrams and Paramount waste no time announcing a Lance Armstrong biopic

Forget vampires or zombies; the latest Hollywood trend is disgraced sports heroes. First Brian De Palma and Al Pacino announce they are making a movie about Joe Paterno and now JJ Abrams is working on a Lance Armstrong biopic.

Deadline reports that Paramount and Abrams’ Bad Robot will produce a film version of the upcoming book CYCLE OF LIES: THE FALL OF LANCE ARMSTRONG. The book was just recently pitched to a publisher and has not even been written yet, so who knows if this news will still be relevant enough for a studio picture by the time it is finished.

For those of you who have the internet but never visit any non-movie sites, Lance Armstrong won a record number of Tour De France cycling titles. He has been surrounded for years by rumors of failed blood tests that indicated he used performance enhancing drugs. In an interview with Oprah last night, Armstrong finally admitted that he did cheat to win those titles. Armstrong is also a cancer survivor whose charity Livestrong has inspired millions.

This Paramount project comes after Sony’s failed attempt at an Armstrong movie featuring Jake Gyllenhaal in the starring role. That project fell apart prior to the recent revelations from Armstrong.

Would you be interested in seeing an Armstrong movie? (also, if you’ve got any funny title ideas, post them below!)

Source: Deadline

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Alex Maidy has been a JoBlo.com editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been JoBlo.com's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.