Judd Apatow to direct Train Wreck, written by and starring Amy Schumer

Judd Apatow‘s limited directorial career has spawned some big hits (THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN, KNOCKED UP) and a pair of somewhat more serious movies (FUNNY PEOPLE, THIS IS 40). But, for his fifth feature, Apatow will be handing the writing reins over to someone else to focus on the filmmaking side of the equation.

Apatow has been connected as producer to the Amy Schumer scripted TRAIN WRECK for a while now. As we all know, Judd Apatow is the comedy equivalent of J.J. Abrams when it comes to producing. Involved in tons of projects, just adding his name seems to increase box office. But, after some time involved with Schumer developing TRAIN WRECK, Apatow has decided to direct as well.

As casting is taking place, The Hollywood Reporter offered this synopsis about the movie.

Comedian Amy Schumer stars as a basket case who tries to rebuild her life, but still to be found are her boyfriend, a best friend/co-worker and a parent.

Amy Schumer has built a fan-base as a stand up comedian with her explicit routine that mocks everything from abortion to drinking and rape. Her Comedy Central series INSIDE AMY SCHUMER had good ratings and threw her into the limelight even more. The blonde may be a rising star but teaming with Apatow will likely ensure a much larger audience than even Comedy Central can offer.

I like Apatow’s films and Schumer is cute enough to headline a movie, but her comic timing is what will sell this movie. This could easily become another BRIDESMAIDS if handled correctly, so keep your eyes open for more casting news as TRAIN WRECK gets closer to production.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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Alex Maidy has been a JoBlo.com editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been JoBlo.com's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.