Kurtzman & Orci to reimagine The Mummy and Van Helsing for Universal

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

The unstoppable duo of Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci have done it again. The pair of producing powerhouses were not content to dabble in TRANSFORMERS, STAR TREK, ENDER’S GAME, COWBOYS AND ALIENS, and so on. They now have set their sights on the classic Universal Monsters.

Kurtzman and Orci’s K/O Paper Products banner has signed a “first-look” deal with Universal for two years. The top two projects on that deal: the previously announced remake of THE MUMMY and a reimagining of Stephen Sommers’ awful VAN HELSING.

The new version of THE MUMMY already had been announced with producer Sean Daniel and writer Jon Spaihts (PROMETHEUS). Universal’s new VAN HELSING has Tom Cruise attached to star in and produce.

The K/O Duo are certainly not every movie fan’s taste, but they do know their genre material and would definitely produce better movies than Stephen Sommers did.

What do you think of K/O re-imagining Universal’s classic monsters?

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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5934 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a JoBlo.com editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been JoBlo.com's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.