Luke Scott to give the story of the Donner Party a “Walking Dead” twist

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Luke Scott The Hunger Donner Party The Walking Dead

MORGAN, the first feature film from Ridley Scott's son Luke Scott, is due to be released next month and the new director is already lining up his next project. Deadline reports that Scott will write and direct THE HUNGER for 20th Century Fox, which will tell the tragic true story of the Donner Party but with a "Walking Dead twist." I can't imagine that you'll need to use much imagination to figure out what that means.

THE HUNGER will be based on a yet-to-be-written novel by Alma Katsu which will be published in early 2018. The Donner Party consisted of a group of American pioneers who set off for California in 1846, only to find their journey delayed due to a series of mishaps which left them trapped in the Sierra Nevada over the winter. As they began to run out of food and supplies, the members of the group soon began cannibalizing each-other and by the end, only 48 of the original 87 pioneers made it out alive. A fascinating and heartbreaking tale to be sure, so why not throw some zombies in there?

Luke Scott's MORGAN is set for a September 2, 2016 release.

Source: Deadline

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10610 Articles Published

Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.