David Harbour reveals plot details for Stranger Things season two

If 2016 was defined by anything it’s an abundance of massive superhero movies, an onslaught of politically-charged Facebook posts and the Netflix show, STRANGER THINGS. The show was an unexpected treat and a global smash, and made a shaved head the most popular hairstyle of the year. Naturally more is on the way, and though it’s all being kept very hush hush star David Harbour has finally let slip a few details about the coveted season two.

While speaking during a panel recently, Harbour spoke about the setting of the show and where it will be trying to place all the characters, mentally and physically speaking:

It’s a year later in the story, so there are several things that happened last year, like Will has come back. There are certain people in the town that know what happened, and then certain people that don’t know what happened. So there’s a lot of fall out with who knows what.

And as for what is happening on the Justice for Barb front:

The question and the feelings that Nancy has that no one ever cares about her friend Barb are very much present in the beginning of the season.

But the mystery around the Upside Down and the future lives of the young protagonists are not the only things that will be addressed in season two. There are also matters surrounding Winona Ryder and her new beau, played by the dashing Sean Astin:

We have Sean Astin… he’s Winona’s new boyfriend–much to the chagrin to the Chief of Police [Harbour].

The show was truly a great little surprise this summer, and I enjoyed uncovering the mystery around Will’s disappearance and the badass little Eleven as much as any other sane human being. However, after I was done with the show I was done with the show. I have yet to rewatch it or even really think about going back and rewatching it. I probably won’t do so until season two comes out, which I have to say I’m more curious about now knowing it won’t take place immediately after season one. I mostly want to see if they let Eleven grow her hair out.

STRANGER THINGS season two is set for sometime in 2017.

Source: Hollywood Life

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