Story details on season 2 of True Detective

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

I’ve heard nothing but praise for True Detective (I’m getting around to it soon, believe you me), and despite the lack of an official HBO announcement (a formality, at this point) Season 2 is wasting no time gearing up for production. Since the series focuses on a new story and set of characters each season (similar to American Horror Story, minus the same casting), we’ve heard that the next season may feature female leads. Writer/Producer Nic Pizzolatto dropped a few more tidbits of information though, as far as what we can expect.

Here’s a few location and plot details:

Right now, we’re working with three leads. It takes place in California. Not Los Angeles, but some of the lesser known venues of California and we’re going to try to capture a certain psychosphere ambience of the place, much like we did with season one.

In regards to the characters and the casting:

The characters are all new, but I am deeply in love with all of them. We have the entire season broken out, and I have a couple of scripts, and we’ll probably start casting within the coming month.

It was disappointing to hear that Jessica Chastain would NOT be taking a role in the upcoming season, but given the critical acclaim of the show thus far, I’m sure they’ll have no problem finding three great leads to captivate audiences. With casting happening within the next month, we should have more names to throw around in no time!

Source: The Playlist

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