Mystery Science Theater 3000 announces first two films of the new season!

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

So this is cool! We recently reported about how the long-running cult sci-fi comedy series Mystery Science Theater 3000 had just reached full funding for a new, full season of content! And now we know what the first two movies to be riffed will be!

The first is 1993's Robot Wars, and here's what series creator Joel Hodgson had to say about it:

Robot Wars is a Charlie Band feature that was clearly designed for cable, but the producers really decided to go for it anyway, and created a low-budget film with scope, attitude, and some nice stop-motion robot vehicles that occasionally fight. I gotta tell you that for a few minutes, it starts feeling like The Love Boat… if the “Love Boat” was a giant mech that was fighting another boat that was also a giant mech, and they were both sinking. And on fire.

The second is 2019's Demon Squad! Here's what Hodgson had to say about this one:

Our second movie, Demon Squad, screams “indie feature.” The producers work hard to create a film noir/fantasy vibe, without ever once acknowledging Ridley Scott’s seminal Blade Runner. It appears to take place in New Orleans. It also has more than its fair share of After Effects lightning bolts and purpley, swirly clouds from another dimension, and basically looks like the producers got a lot of their friends and family together and glued costume shop masks onto their faces. But the real attraction is the star, Khristian Fulmer, and his on-screen “Girl Friday,” Erin Lilley, behaving like they have history and chemistry.

Sounds good to me! I personally can't wait! Having seen trailers for both these films, we should be in for a treat!

But what do you guys think? And what's your favorite movie they've ever riffed (I'll always be partial to Pumaman)? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Paste Magazine

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