Batman goes the Se7en way in first trailer! Snyder Cut teases a new film!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Well color me intrigued from this solid movie news/trailers from DC FanDome!

First off, who knew that the new "stand alone" Batman flick would look like a grim and bleak David Fincher serial killer movie (in this case The Riddler is doing the wahcking)?! Shades of Se7en and Zodiac galore!

Yup, we got our first look at Matt Reeves THE BATMAN (tap embed above) and I am sold 90% on it EXCEPT for Pattinson as Batman/Wayne. Something doesn’t feel right about him from what was shown in the trailer, but hey, the f*ck I know! I am hoping the lad will surprise me and knock it out of the Bat-Park! The film is still in production btw.

And being that it's been pretty slow in terms of high-end horror news now of late, I figured I'd also toss the Justice League SNYDER CUT TRAILER into the mix as it may be of interest to you all. If not, just don’t watch it. It was revealed that the film is going to be a mini-series i.e. four one-hour installments that will air only on HBO Max (note to self get HBO Max subscription in 2021) in North America but it will also be able to be seen via other channels internationally.

Being a huge Zack Snyder fan and being that I was crushed by the clusterf*ck that was the theatrical JUSTICE LEAGUE, I am very eager to FINALLY see Snyder’s vision of it. Tap it below and happy Sunday!

So what did you think of the two trailers? Yay? Nay? Or Meh? Spit bullets below!

Source: Arrow in the Head

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