August 22nd marked the 37th anniversary of the release director Tobe Hooper‘s sequel to his 1974 classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. A sequel appropriately titled The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (get it HERE). Many fans celebrated the film with star Bill Moseley on social media – and the occasion inspired Moseley to reminisce about the moment when he ad-libbed one of the most popular lines in the film: “Lick my plate, you dog dick!”
In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Moseley played the maniacal goofball Chop Top, who is revealed to have had a metal plate placed in his head after he received a head wound during the Vietnam War. He wrote on Facebook, “Damn, a whole lotta love for The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 yesterday on the occasion of its 37th birthday! Love the movie, love the memories, love CHOP TOP! Funny, I’ve done so many different characters over the years, but CHOP TOP is always there, hiding in my pocket, ready to spring out and shout, “Dog will hunt!” or “Git that bitch!” or my personal fave, “Lick my plate, you dog dick!” When we were shooting the radio station scene and LG yells at me for messing around in the record vault, that line just popped out of me, unscripted, totally spontaneous. When I was a kid, my family had the “clean plate club,” meaning my two brothers and I were supposed to eat everything my mother cooked (even though it wasn’t always tasty). Dinner plate, head plate, not sure where the dog dick came from. True, our dogs Duk and Rupert Otter Rock were male. I dunno. It was one of those magic moments that happens to us when we’re “in the moment.” So much fun being CHOP TOP that I don’t think I’ll ever stop. Would you like to see more CHOP TOP? (I know I would) Inquiring monsters want to know.“
Scripted by L.M. Kit Carson, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 has the following synopsis: The blood-splattered saga of the original cult shocker – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – continues, as “Leatherface” returns and the screaming begins again! Ten years ago, a demented family of killers butchered his loved ones. Now, Dennis Hopper (Apocalypse Now, Blue Velvet) is determined to wreak violent revenge. The trail of gore leads to a catacomb of surrealistic caverns, where unspeakable evil is committed – and innocent victims become the ghastly “ingredients” of a nightmarish enterprise.
In addition to Bill Moseley and Dennis Hopper, the film stars Caroline Williams, Jim Siedow, Bill Johnson, Lou Perryman, Ken Evert, James N. Harrell, Barry Kinyon, and Chris Douridas. The special effects provided by Tom Savini also deserve a starring credit.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is one of my all-time favorite movies and Moseley delivers an awesome performance in it, so I would definitely like to see more of Chop Top. At one point, we were going to. Tobe Hooper’s son William Tony Hooper was working on a project called All American Massacre around twenty years ago, but it seems like that’s going to be staying in the vault. You can hear all about it in the documentary In Search of All American Massacre: The Lost Texas Chainsaw Film.
What do you think of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and Bill Moseley’s “lick my plate” line? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

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