Thirsty for more?

Last Updated on July 28, 2021

Fangoria pointed us in the right direction to get our fill of our Wednesday T&A with a look at a little horror/soft-core flick called THE THIRSTING.

So what’s so awesome about this puppy? It’s about hotbody Cathlolic schoolgirls getting into trouble. And by trouble, I mean resurrecting Lilith, Adam’s first wife who got into trouble coupling with demons. Things go bad as Lilith tries her evil ways to take over one of the girls bodies.

Directed by Mark Anthony Vadik, THIRSTING stars hotties Tina Krause, Jacqueline Hickel, Cortney Pahlke, and Lauren Ryland. Oh, it also stars Mickey f*ckin’ Rooney! How that happened, I don’t know!!!

The OFFICIAL SITE is loaded with all sorts of goodies, including more pics of the cast, and a deeper look at the story. Gotta love the fact that the production company is called BYOB Multimedia!

Be sure to hit up the too hot for TV TRAILER, and oogle at the babes in question, and wonder how Rooney’s ass is even in a movie like this. The flick looks like it has it all: naked lesbian sandwhiches, possession, and scary religious stuff. Can’t really go wrong here folks!

To learn more about this flick, go ahead and click HERE.

Source: Fangoria

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