VHS Retro Art Round-up: Savage Streets, Metalstorm, Necropolis and more

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

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Every child of the 80s will remember going to the video store and trying to find a movie to rent. Back before the days of Blu-ray and On Demand, selecting a movie usually meant finding the flick with the coolest box art. Like modern posters, classic VHS art has been lost but thanks to the Internet there are countless reminders of these cool creations. This column will be dedicated to bringing you reminders of a bygone era and a look at how cool some of these movies looked on store shelves.


It may be me, but that first cover looks like it has penises in it. Not sure how that connects to this classic horror film starring Barbara Steele, but seeing a wang that close to a knife is disturbing yet I cannot look away. The second almost looks like a painting you would see in a museum. Two very different covers. Click here to purchase on Amazon.com

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS


I should not be sexually attracted to Linda Blair. As a little girl, Linda Blair went from cute teen to disturbing demon in THE EXORCIST. She grew up nice and looks hot as hell in SAVAGE STREETS as you can see from her tight outfit on both of these covers. Still, even enjoying her cleavage brings back horrible memories of what she did to that crucifix. Click here to purchase on Amazon.com

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS


Charles Band movies tend to be pretty awful, but in a very fun way. This blatant attempt to emulate STAR WARS and ride the wave of scifi success is definitely not good but is also very fun. The VHS version didn't capture the 3D glory of this movie's theatrical release but both covers look like copies of George Lucas' masterpiece. Click here to purchase on Amazon.com

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS


No idea what this movie is about but the fact that the covers focus on a strangled woman with her eyes bulging should say a lot as the the audience for this type of film. Is it high quality or competently made? I have no idea, but I would not feel entirely comfortable carrying either of these boxes to the register at the video store. Not available to purchase on Amazon.com

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS


John Russo may not be as famous as his NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD co-creator, George Romero, but he is still a legend in the world of horror. MIDNIGHT is one of his lesser known films and looks to have the production values of a porn film, but Russo's name is more than enough to warrant a viewing. That second cover is a rip-off of EC Comics and doesn't seem to have much to do with the film itself. Not available to purchase on Amazon.com

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS


Great title, great art, and great catch phrase. This movie is so incredibly 80s that it almost hurts. Still, Leeanne Baker looks so damn hot on that second cover that this may qualify as a soft core film. One of the lesser known Full Moon features, NECROPOLIS is the epitome of what VHS boxes were like during their heydey. Click here to purchase on Amazon.com

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Necropolis, Savage Streets, Poor White Trash, The Horrible Dr. Hitchcock, Midnight, Metalstorm, VHS Retro Art Round-up, Feature, Column, VHS

Feel free to pop us your favorite VHS box art and come back for each future column. You can send your finds or photos of your own VHS tapes to [email protected]

Source: JoBlo.com

About the Author

5991 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a JoBlo.com editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been JoBlo.com's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.