Paul Bettany isn’t ready to leave Vision behind just yet

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Vision, Paul Bettany, WandaVision

MAJOR SPOILERS for WandaVision. Paul Bettany has one of the stranger arcs in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What started out as merely a voice-role as Tony Stark's artificial intelligence J.A.R.V.I.S. later transformed into Vision, an android brought to life by Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Thor, with a little help from Ultron and the Mind Stone. In Avengers: Infinity War, Vision was destroyed by Thanos when the Mad Titan plucked the Mind Stone out of Vision's head, and unlike the trillions of people who were able to be brought back to life when The Snap was reversed, Vision was not one of them. However, WandaVision found Vision seemingly returned to life and living with Wanda Maximoff in a sitcom-based reality.

While the Vision in WandaVision was revealed to be a constructed memory of Wanda's who could only exist within the Hex, there was a second Vision that S.W.O.R.D director Hayward had constructed using Vision's actual remains that was brought online using Wanda's powers. This "White Vision" was given his memories back by Wanda's Vision and took off to parts unknown, which means that the character isn't quite as dead as he once was. Although he obviously wouldn't spill any details, Paul Bettany spoke to Esquire about his future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and whether or not he'd play Vision forever if he could.

I love Vision. Yes, I'm in.

In the realm of comic-books, no one ever stays dead for long (unless you're Uncle Ben), so I'm sure none of us will be surprised when Paul Bettany inevitably returns as Vision somewhere down the road. Although he now has his memories restored, it stands to reason that White Vision might just be a little different than we remember him if and when he does return. You can check out a series review and wrap-up of WandaVision from our own Alex Maidy right here.

Would you like to see Paul Bettany return as Vision or did WandaVision give his character a fitting conclusion?

Source: Esquire

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.