Bob Odenkirk inches towards Breaking Bad in new Better Call Saul trailer

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Breaking Bad was one of those rare TV shows which just kept getting better and better, right up until the end, and when it was revealed that Vince Gilligan would be following up the series with a prequel spin-off centered around Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), I was quite hesitant. How do you follow in those footsteps? How could you ever hope to top that first story? Well, over the course of the past three seasons, Gilligan has proven me wrong as Better Call Saul has not only grown to become a worthy successor to Breaking Bad, but also a fantastic series in its own right. A fresh new trailer for the series was released at San Diego Comic-Con and finds Jimmy McGill inching towards the events of Breaking Bad and transforming into Saul Goodman. Check it out above!

Vince Gilligan recently told Entertainment Weekly that "We have a subplot that very squarely gets into Breaking Bad territory and brings us into the world — or at least points us on a path toward the world of Walter White and the territory of Walter White. I can’t wait for folks to see that," and added during the Comic-Con panel that "This is the best season yet. The overlap between Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad gets closer and closer."

The official synopsis for the fourth season of Better Call Saul:

In Better Call Saul‘s fourth season, Chuck’s death catalyzes Jimmy McGill’s transformation into Saul Goodman. In the wake of his loss, Jimmy takes steps into the criminal world that will put his future as a lawyer — and his relationship with Kim — in jeopardy. Chuck’s death deeply affects former colleagues Howard (Patrick Fabian) and Kim as well, putting the two of them once again on opposite sides of a battle sparked by the Brothers McGill. While Mike takes a more active role as Madrigal Electromotive’s newest (and most thorough) security consultant. It’s a volatile time to be in Gus Fring’s employ, as Hector’s collapse sends shock waves throughout the Albuquerque underworld and throws the cartel into chaos — tearing apart both Gus and Nacho’s well-laid plans. While Gus changes course, Nacho finds himself in the crosshairs of deadly forces.

Better Call Saul will return to AMC on August 6, 2018.

Source: AMC

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.