Marvel to expand the Guardians of the Galaxy credit sequence as comic book

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

That great end credits scene from GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY was always just meant as a bit of fun from director James Gunn. After the historically maligned HOWARD THE DUCK nearly destroyed George Lucas, there was not much hope we would ever see the character grace the big screen again. Now, with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY clinging to the title of Highest Grossing Movie of 2014, Marvel has decided to continue Howard’s tale.

While it is, unfortunately, not going to be a movie, Marvel will continue Howard the Duck’s GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY cameo in the form of a new comic book. Marvel has relaunched Howard the Duck and the second issue of the new series will delve into the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY scene.

“Howard’s first big case has taken him across the universe and landed him in the clutches of The Collector! But he’s not alone as the very popular Rocket Raccoon is a prisoner as well! Have you ever seen a comic book sequel to a post-credits scene in a movie? Well, you will now!”

Everything about this is awesome and I hope the comic series and the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY cameo leads Marvel to attempting a new Howard the Duck film. Maybe an all CGI movie from Disney? Maybe Marvel Studios first animated film? The possibilities are endless on branching out the Marvel Cinematic Universe in weird and crazy directions. This may not have been the plan, but James Gunn definitely has opened the door.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.