Parker’s POV viral site offers a glimpse into the mind of Spider-man’s alter ego

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

If THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN has been doing the viral marketing thing for a while now and one of the sites that has garnered little attention is Peter Parker’s photo blog, Parker’s POV.

The site has been up for about six months now and has periodically released photographs taken by Peter Parker. Each image is accompanied by a caption that is a very thinly veiled reference to Parker’s superpowers.

I am definitely liking the more detailed approach to the origin and the effect it has on Peter’s state of mind. It remains to be seen if Marc Webb is able to be true to the Spider-man mythos without sacrificing what we all know and love about the character. Eliminating Mary Jane is a bold move but who the hell is going to complain about Emma Stone? Not me.

Check out some of the key images from Parker’s POV.

STANDING TOUGH: Diminutive organisms are often the strongest; otherwise, they could never survive among their more substantial counterparts.

PICTURE PERFECT: The Debate Club is looking good this year – never been so glad to be the school photographer.

RECLAMATION: These broken timepieces could be useful. After all, even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

HITTING THE WALL: I used to think that walls were so 2-D (photographically speaking). But recently, I’ve gotten up close, gained weird perspectives and reached new heights of wall appreciation.

I am looking forward to this movie more and more.  I am hoping the fan buzz is true and it really lives up the bar set forth by the Sam Raimi original.

THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN opens July 3, 2012.

Source: Parker's POV

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5909 Articles Published

Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.