Cool Offspring pics

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

You guys remember the forthcoming film adaptation of author Jack Ketchum’s OFFSPRING? Well, if not, Fango scored some brand new pics to help jog your memory. Looks like this flick isn’t going to be afraid to get down and dirty.

Just check out that first pic up top. I don’t know what the f*ck that bloody chunk of a mess is supposed to be, but it looks like it’s resting on top of an old-fashioned oven. Nice touch, seeing as how OFFSPRING’s plot centers on cannibalism! Plus, I just love the expression on the faces of the three guys staring down at it. They all just seem like “Holy shit, what the f*ck have we here?” I do hope this pic is an accurate capture of the flick’s general tone.

I’m also digging that pic below. Talk about getting right to the point! The bad-ass cannibal chick is even kind of hot in a “psycho cave-girl” sort of way. For some reason, I also find it kind of neat that the scene in the pic appears to be on the beach at night.

Here, chew on OFFSPRING’s plot: Survivors of a feral flesh-eating clan are chowing their way through the locals. Amy Halbard and Claire Carey strive to survive their abduction by the cannibals and save their children. A subplot involving Claire’s despicable husband, Steven, gives an opportunity to cleverly compare predatory civilized folk to the appetite-driven primitives.

Yes, that does seem to be some deeply f*cked-out shit! Excellent! The flick is being directed by Andrew van den Houten and stars Art Hindle, Pollyanna McIntosh, Ahna Tessler, and Amy Hargreaves. There’s no official release date yet.

Source: Fangoria

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