Interview: Raised by Wolves stars Amanda Collin, Niamh Algar and more for Season 2

When Raised by Wolves first arrived on HBO Max, it was greeted eagerly by critics and fans alike. The power of this profound series lies in the stories it explores. It also features a bold and exciting new world, one that presents a visual feast to its viewers. And then there is the cast. Amanda Collins and Abubakar Salim are sublime as “Mother” and “Father.” As well, Travis Fimmel continues to impress, as does Niamh Algar. Even the younger actors have proven to be perfectly added into this bold series. On February 3rd, Raised by Wolves returns with the premiere of season 2. You won’t be disappointed.

We recently spoke to several members of the cast, as well as the man behind this unique series, Aaron Guzikowski. Aaron was joined by both Kim Engelbrecht and Selina Jones who are new to this talented group of thespians. For Aaron, he opened up about the direction he was taking the series as it continues. Ms. Engelbrecht and Ms. Jones discussed joining the series, and how exciting it was to work on such a profoundly entertaining adventure.

As for the regulars, we had the pleasure of speaking to Amanda Collins, Abubakar Salim, and Niamh Algar. It was fantastic to see the intriguing new direction in which the season is heading. I’ve yet to see all the episodes, but what’s happening with these three makes for an excellent continuation. The three actors opened up about expanding their roles. And while we didn’t have too much time to talk more than that, Amanda did open up about how closely this fictional world sort of fits into the insanity we see and hear on the news every day. It’s still a beautiful escape, and I highly recommend a return to Raised by Wolves season 2.


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JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.