Jonah Hill joins cast of Gus Van Sant’s Don’t Worry, He Won’t Go Far on Foot

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

As we reported a couple weeks ago, Joaquin Phoenix is set to play iconoclast cartoonist John Callahan for Gus Van Sant based on Callahan's autobiography DON'T WORRY, HE WON'T GO FAR ON FOOT, where he describes:

[After becoming] paralyzed in a car accident at age 21, [Callahan] turned to drawing as a form of therapy. For decades Callahan’s work raised eyebrows for its taboo topics leading to numerous boycotts in his hometown of Portland.

Now it seems another cast member has been brought on board, in the guise of Jonah Hill. No word on what part he'll play (probably a foul, loud-mouthed best friend who improvises a lot). Now to be fair, Jonah was nominated for two Oscars and even recently got nominated for a Golden Globe for his work on WAR DOGS. On the other hand, two out of three of those roles were for being the loud, constantly improvising best friend. So we'll see if he stretches his acting muscles on this one or not. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this film, as John Callahan is a fascinating figure, Gus Van Sant (minus a PSYCHO or SEA OF TREES) is a pretty great director, and both Joaquin Phoenix and Jonah Hill are fine actors.

But what do you Schmoes think? Sound off below!

Source: Deadline

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