Lost Brigsby Bear episode unearthed!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

So this is really cool. They’ve actually uncovered real footage from the old kid’s show BRIGSBY BEAR! I thought they were lost forever!

Well, of course it’s not real BRIGSBY BEAR show (since it never existed), but you could have definitely fooled me if I didn’t know about the movie. From the acting, to the video quality, to the production design – it all feels so authentic. Some of the more bizarre touches might tip people off, but honestly kid’s shows (especially back then) did get pretty fucking weird.

I’m actually really excited about BRIGSBY BEAR, as it looks to be the right blend of dark, funny, and dramatic, with a unique high-concept premise (a boy is raised to adulthood thinking he lives in a kid’s show, and the fallout of that). Has anyone seen it yet?

Meanwhile, BRIGSBY BEAR has already hit select theaters right now, but will hopefully go wide soon.

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