Poster for Brigsby Bear starring Mark Hamill and Kyle Mooney released!

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

I'm really looking forward to the dark comedy BRIGSBY BEAR. I just love the story about, according to the official press release from Sony Pictures Classics, "Brigsby Bear Adventures…a children's TV show produced for an audience of one: James (Kyle Mooney). When the show abruptly ends, James's life changes forever, he sets out to finish the story himself and must learn to cope with the realities of a new world that he knows nothing about."

So a darker TRUMAN SHOW about coming to terms with reality after escaping a fictional world? Add on to the return of Mark Hamill as Mooney's creepy kidnapper father – as well as the Lynchian nightmare world of Brigsby Bear itself – and you've got the recipe for a great, or at least interesting film.

In either case, the studio has released a new one-sheet for the film, which you can look at below!

I like it! I especially am fond of how the moon – while presumably symbolizing Hamill’s kidnapper as an imposing figure over Mooney’s life – also evokes children’s TV iconography (in this case an inversion of the baby face in the sun from TELETUBBIES). Pretty stylish and cool, in my opinion.

Meanwhile, BRIGSBY BEAR will hit theaters July 28, 2017.

Source: Sony Pictures Classics

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