NSFW Penance trlr

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

A long ways back, I gave you guys a bunch of info on a bloody-good-sounding horror indie called THE DEVIL’S DUNGEON. Since then, the flick has undergone a title change to PENANCE and released a brand new gore and booby-filled trailer! Talk about a penance! Many will need to make one after watching this NSFW trailer! Simply click here to get it on.

Here’s a refresher of the plot: Based on the concept of sexy strippers in jeopardy, the film revolves around a young mother decides to become an exotic dancer to earn some fast cash, but winds up getting abducted and tortured by a sadistic surgeon.

How can that not be an insanely sick-ass good time?! PENANCE is boasting a pretty top-notch cast too. Check it: Marieh Delfino (JEEPERS CREEPERS 2, below) whose pic as the stripping momma is also up top, Tony Todd (CANDYMAN), Eve Mauro (WICKED LAKE), Tracy Coogan (ZOMBIE HONEYMOON), Alice Amter (AMERICAN ZOMBIE), and Michael Rooker (SLITHER). The flick was written and directed by Jake Kennedy. No word yet on an exact release date, but hopefully soon.

Source: STYD

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