Roy Frumkes working on Fiend Without A Face, Street Trash 2

Last Updated on July 23, 2021

The name Roy Frumkes may be familiar to you for a variety of reasons. You may know it because it’s the name most associated with the grimy, sleazy B-Movie classic STREET TRASH (he wrote and produced it). He’s the man behind the much beloved DAWN OF THE DEAD documentary, DOCUMENT OF THE DEAD, and also has the dubious honor of creating THE SUBSTITUTE series – although he only wrote the first two. Oddly enough, for me, he’ll always be the guy who taught my freshman year film class at the School of Visual Arts. No shit. But that’s a different story…

According to an interview in Fangoria, Frumkes is the man currently holding the rights to FIEND WITHOUT A FACE, and he plans on remaking it. If you haven’t seen the original, it’s a weird little story about a batch of strange brain-like creatures that are created by a military experiment gone awry. The end of the flick is particularly nutty, as the little rascals bombard a house filled with people; lord knows what this would resemble in remake form, but Frumkes is apparently willing to give it a shot.

“I’ve wanted to do this film for 40 years, so I already had it all in my head, and it wasn’t hard to write. What I didn’t have was the technical information; I’m no science buff. Now I’m interviewing scientists, getting the technology straight.”

He goes on to say that it won’t be your typical dead teenager slaughterfest: “It’s set in a think tank in the Berkshires, and it’s not about young people. It’s a mature film, but it has a STREET TRASH sensibility, so the people who like my work will not be disappointed.”

At the end of the article, it’s mentioned – completely as an afterthought – that Frumkes is working on STREET TRASH 2. Who knows if it’ll ever make it out of the script stage alive, but that would sure be interesting to see…

Source: Fangoria

About the Author

Eric Walkuski is a longtime writer, critic, and reporter for He's been a contributor for over 15 years, having written dozens of reviews and hundreds of news articles for the site. In addition, he's conducted almost 100 interviews as JoBlo's New York correspondent.