The Golden Schmoes are back!

Ladies and gentlemen – the Golden Schmoes are making a comeback!

That’s right – after taking last year off due to a lack of big movies, JoBlo’s very own movie awards are back celebrating their 20th edition (we just might be the longest running online fan movie awards). If you’re new to the site and don’t know the Golden Schmoes, you can read all about it HERE. Basically, we put the power of choosing both the nominees and the winners in YOUR hands. All you need is a valid email address and, once the nomination period opens up on Monday on the official site, you pick the nominees and the winners! So, if you’re still pissed that Spider-Man: No Way Home didn’t get any Oscar nominations or the fact that Denis Villeneuve didn’t get nominated, now’s the chance to have your say!

Here’s our timeline:

Voting for nominees starts February 21st and closes on March 5th and will take place on the official site. We’ll announce the official nominees on March 7th and you can begin VOTING for the winners from March 7th through March 19th. Winners will be announced on March 21st!

Nominations start on Monday, and we’ll post an article getting into the nitty-gritty and running down the specific categories, but you can check out past winners here. If you need a refresher on which movies came out in 2021, you can find all of the major releases right here.

Suffice to say, we’re super proud of our awards and are dying to find out what you all think are the year’s best movies. Sometimes the Academy, critics, and guilds seem out of touch with what people are actually watching. So if you have a movie you’re rooting for, make sure to let us know in the comments below. For me, I hope folks don’t forget under-the-radar picks like Riders of Justice, Nobody, and The Last Duel. That said, anything that came out in 2021 is eligible. Hopefully, this 20th edition of the Golden Schmoes is one to remember!

About the Author

Chris Bumbray began his career with JoBlo as the resident film critic (and James Bond expert) way back in 2007, and he has stuck around ever since, being named editor-in-chief in 2021. A voting member of the CCA and a Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic, you can also catch Chris discussing pop culture regularly on CTV News Channel.