Weaver no-go GB3

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

I consider it just a tad strange that of all people, Sigourney Weaver has been making a couple of appearances in articles regarding our beloved genre. Although her comments may be coming off as a tad out there (who would really want a Ripley movie Aliens?)

But apparently, Ms. Weaver feels that she will not be welcome if a third GHOSTBUSTERS comes to fruition. Have a look at what she said in a recent interview: “I don’t know really what I would be in it. Maybe I’d be in a scene. But I’m not that integral a part to the actual Ghostbusting.”

Not that integral?! Come on! You’re Dana mother-f*cking Barrett! The unrequited love of Peter Venkman’s life! You are a part of the GHOSTBUSTERS universe and the fans definitely would want to see you back. Personally, I’m pretty indifferent to whether or not Weaver comes back. I just want the script to be fresh and laugh-out-loud funny (like the first one, not the second).

Source: Chicag.tr.

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