EXCLUSIVE CLIP: Never before seen uncut ending for Eric Red’s Cohen and Tate (1988)

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

These Santas Have A Brand New Slay

Jingle Bang mothertruckers! It seems this has become a tradition. Yup, once again, writer/director ERIC RED and ARROW IN THE HEAD have a little grisly gift for yall this X-Mas. Let me give the floor to Mr. Red. All yours bra!

ERIC RED: “What would Christmas be without gory uncut footage from one my films on AITH? My first picture COHEN AND TATE was a road film noir about two hit men played by Roy Scheider and Adam Baldwin who kidnap a small boy.

To survive, the kid plays a deadly game of psychological warfare against the killers, turning them against each other. The whole movie builds to the climax in a Texas oil field where the two hit men shoot it out with each other in an incredibly intense and bloody duel. The scene got the film an NC-17 rating so it was heavily trimmed. Here for the first time anywhere is the kick-ass blood-drenched uncut version as it was meant to be seen. Happy holidays, gang!”

They’re on the Naughty List that’s for sure!


Source: Arrow in the Head

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