100 Feet SF release

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

For quite some time, we’ve been waiting to hear what the release status would be for director Eric Red’s 100 FEET (and not just because it co-stars the man who’s got “bona fide bad-ass” written all over his face, The Arrow). There’s just been so much positive word of mouth that it felt that a forthcoming release would be inevitable…

Well, the good news is that we now finally do have a release date to look forward to. The not-so-good news is that said release is going to be on cable TV. And by cable TV, I’m talking about the Sci-Fi Channel. Nothing against Sci-Fi, but the flicks they usually premiere don’t normally come with a pedigree like 100 FEET. I’m not trying to sound cocky in any way. I mean, you’ve seen the clips, you know the plot, and you can see from the poster up top that it stars the very sexy Famke Jannsen. What the F?! The best reaction, of course, came from Mr. Red himself. Have a look:

“This is tragic and the film deserved a lot, lot better. There were two domestic theatrical distribution offers for “100 FEET,” including Magnolia. Ghost House also really wanted to take the picture. A Sci Fi Channel release down the line is great, it’s a fine network, but this film deserves a commercial shot in the theaters. It is doubly disappointing because the film played well in its several theatrical screenings and the audiences were very responsive. What is so maddening is we had distributors ready to release the film theatrically. It came down to continuous financial mismanagement by the producers, them wanting to make a few more bucks and not doing what was best for the film. I fought very hard for months to get everyone to do the right thing, but ultimately I don’t own the negative. I hope over time people discover “100 FEET,” as they have with my other films, which usually had to overcome distribution issues.”

Nicely stated. All I can say is I hope that some smart studio sweeps in at the last minute to give FEET the proper theatrical release it deserves.

Source: Fangoria

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