Bruce Willis has time to kill in the first Red poster!

If you’ve seen the trailer for RED you know just how much fun this film looks like. We’ve had to keep mum about our time spent on set but today we’re finally allowed to talk and our RED set visit is online! Here’s a quick excerpt:

[Bruce] Willis and [Mary Louise] Parker are hiding behind these shipping containers on the opposite side is [John] Malkovich doing the same, nearly cuddling his pink stuffed pig. Suddenly a voice says, “We’re gonna get you old man.” Malkovich looks curiously over at Willis and replies, “Old man?”

Pink stuffed pig? Yeah. In addition to the RED set visit, we’ve also got a first look at the first character banner for the film featuring Mr. Bruce Willis. Another character banner will be popping up online every day for the rest of the week to coincide with the rest of our set visit coverage. Trust me, you’re not gonna want to miss it. Check out the poster below!


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