Exclusive Interview: The Book of Life’s Ron Perlman and Kate del Castillo

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

In the delightful new film THE BOOK OF LIFE directed by Jorge R. Gutierrez, Ron Perlman and Kate del Castillo portray Xibalba and La Muerte – the rulers of the Land of the Remembered and The Land of the Forgotten. Desperate to get out of his realm, Xibalba makes a wager with his ex-flame La Muerte to swap lands which creates a marvelously fun animated, musical adventure. Thankfully, you couldn’t have picked two better actors to play these exciting characters.

Sitting down with both Ron Perlman and Kate del Castillo was incredible fun. The two actors discussed just exactly who wanted to play La Muerte! It is always quite incredible to chat with such a great talent as Mr. Perlman, but it was equally terrific to meet the lovely del Castillo. Both are fantastic in THE BOOK OF LIFE, a film that I highly recommend for those who would like to get a taste of Day of the Dead. Check it out this week when it opens Thursday at a theatre near you.

Source: JoBlo.com

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JimmyO is one of JoBlo.com’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.