James Cameron promises Avatar: Fire and Ash will “break the mold”

James Cameron is looking to make good on his third Avatar movie, saying it has brought new challenges to his team.

Last Updated on January 27, 2025

James Cameron movie

It’s a given that when a new James Cameron movie is on the horizon, we’re getting excited for it. Maybe The Way of Water took a hit for being a bit basic when it came to the plot and the dialogue was, well, just about what we’d expect in a James Cameron movie, but we were still completely wowed by the visuals. It’s practically inarguable that James Cameron will insist on topping himself with each new work. And he’s now assuring us that we can expect the same with the third Avatar film, Fire and Ash.

Speaking with Empire, James Cameron said that the third Avatar movie will have “some really clever action set-pieces. You can get your blood up in this movie. But what excites me as an artist who recently turned 70 and has kind of done all that stuff is not only the opportunity to get to do it again, but to get to a level of character and intrigue you haven’t seen before in an Avatar movie.”

James Cameron went on to elaborate just why this movie will be different than those that came before it in the series, something he suggested in the title of it alone. “We’re just starting to riff on it and twist it and turn it. It’s a tricky thing. We could be getting high on our own supply here, and everybody who looks at it goes, ‘F*ck, that’s not what I signed up for.’ But if you’re not making brave choices, you’re wasting everybody’s time and money. That alone is not sufficient to create success, but it’s necessary. You’ve got to break the mould every fricking time.” So we can just give his team another Best Visual Effects Oscar, right? (Superlative-wise, Cameron is the director with the most movies to have won that Academy Award.)

Recent concept art for Avatar: Fire and Ash would point to some still frame confirmation that James Cameron isn’t just blowing smoke on this movie, as the images are dazzling and pretty much confirm that this will be another feast that you’ll need to see on the big screen…which you’ll be able to do on December 19th.

Where is your excitement level for Fire and Ash? Do you expect Cameron and company to deliver?

Source: Empire

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Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with JoBlo.com periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.