Jennifer Lawrence to star in Adam McKay’s Netflix comedy Don’t Look Up

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Jennifer Lawrence, Adam McKay, Netflix, Don't Look Up

On a fairly regular basis, we hear about an asteroid hurtling towards Earth with the potential to destroy all life, but they typically pass by without much worry; however, in the realm of Hollywood, the Earth is in constant danger from asteroid impacts, and VICE director Adam McKay will be following in the footsteps of ARMAGEDDON and DEEP IMPACT with his own killer asteroid movie.

Adam McKay is set to write and direct DON'T LOOK UP, a new comedy for Netflix which will star Jennifer Lawrence (RED SPARROW). The film will tell the story of two low-level astronomers who must go on a giant media tour to warn mankind of an approaching asteroid that will destroy Earth. Production on the project will kick off this April with a release lined up later this year, which seems rather quick. "I’m so thrilled to make this movie with Jen Lawrence. She’s what folks in the 17th century used to call ‘a dynamite talent’," McKay said. "And the fact that Netflix sees this movie as a worldwide comedy sets the bar high for me and my team in an exciting and motivating way." Scott Stuber, head of Netflix Films, added, "Adam has always had great timing when it comes to making smart, relevant and irreverent films that depict our culture. Even if he somehow ends up predicting planet Earth’s imminent demise, we’re excited to add this to our slate before it all comes to an end."

In addition to DON'T LOOK UP, Adam McKay has had a separate project with Jennifer Lawrence in development for several years. BAD BLOOD will be directed by McKay and star Lawrence as Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of the controversial blood testing company Theranos. THE SHAPE OF WATER co-writer Vanessa Taylor signed on to pen the script last year, but we haven't heard all that much since then.

Source: Deadline

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.