New Hanger pics

Last Updated on July 26, 2021

How’s it hangin’ my friends? It’s been nearly a month since I last reported on the sure-to-offend psycho bloodfest HANGER from the team behind GUTTERBALLS. Today, we’ve got some cool, new pics to sift through that give a better look of the flick’s killer as well as the unconventionally nasty manner with which he was first brought into the world.

Up top is “Hanger”, the killer. Is it me or does his face remind you of a certain high-profile sleep stalker? He also kind of looks like The Edge from U2. Anyways, it’s the bottom pic that really makes my skin scrawl. That’s sexy scream queen Debbie Rochon with a prego belly, who plays “Hanger’s” mother. Can you guess how he got his nickname? If you’re still not sure, I’m betting the plot synopsis will help clear everything up:

“HANGER”: Pulled into this world to take you out! A horrifying tale of revenge… beginning with a back-alley abortion and ending with a bloodbath so vicious that it brings a new meaning to “an eye for eye”. From pimps to dealers, from hookers and junkies… “HANGER” washes the filth away with their own blood, cleaning the streets and making way for the ultimate showdown of good vs. evil. Diving headfirst into the depths of human depravity, Plotdigger Films plans on turning the world of horror inside out and letting it all hang out to dry! “HANGER”… coming 2009.

It is coming to us from writer/director Ryan Nicholson and producer Dan Walton. The rest of the cast includes Nathan Dashwood. Dan Ellis, Ronald Patrick Thompson, Wade Gibb, Alastair Gamble, and Candice Lewald. HANGER just finished shooting and is aiming for a January 2009 festival deadline.

Source: Fangoria

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