Paradise City: John Travolta and Bruce Willis reunite to face-off in trailer for new action film

Last Updated on October 20, 2022

John Travolta and Bruce Willis reunite after their limited shared screen time in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction. Both stars were prolific action icons in the 90s, and for some time now, both have had second careers with straight-to-video type movies with an occasional theatrical release. Their re-pairing comes in the new film Paradise City.

Scenic locations in Hawaii serve as the settings in Paradise City. So, there’s no doubt that the grass is green and the girls are pretty. People has reported on the release of the trailer, which proudly boasts that the film is “John Travolta vs. Bruce Willis.” Willis looks to be more of a presence in this more than his other recent credited films, although it looks as if a small ensemble will help him carry the load. He’s joined by Stephen Dorff, Blake Jenner, and Praya Lundberg.

The official synopsis reads,

“When bounty hunter Ian Swan (Willis) is shot and presumed dead after disappearing in Maui waters, Swan’s son Ryan (Jenner), his ex-partner (Dorff) and a local detective (Lundberg) set out to find his killers. After being threatened by a ruthless power broker (Travolta), it appears Ryan and his team are out of options,” the synopsis adds, “until an excursion to the closely guarded island community of Paradise City unites them with an unforeseen ally.”

The last time Willis and Travolta faced off, Willis ended up the victor. Now, both gentlemen sport bald heads and scruffy beards. Travolta, just like his Face/off co-star, Nicolas Cage, never truly seemed to phone any performance in despite being in less prestigious projects of the last decade or so. He looks to be having fun chewing the scenery here.

The movie comes from Chuck Russell, known for The Blob, Eraser, and The Scorpion King. So, he’s no stranger to action movies himself.

Paradise City will be released on November 11.

paradise city

Source: People

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1753 Articles Published

E.J. is a News Editor at JoBlo, as well as a Video Editor, Writer, and Narrator for some of the movie retrospectives on our JoBlo Originals YouTube channel, including Reel Action, Revisited and some of the Top 10 lists. He is a graduate of the film program at Missouri Western State University with concentrations in performance, writing, editing and directing.