Rumor: G.I. Joe 3 may crossover with this other 80s cartoon series

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

While Paramount continues to court D.J. Caruso as director on G.I. JOE 3, new rumors suggest what exactly the plan is to up the ante for the follow-up to G.I. JOE: RETALIATION. While we all have dreamt of a Joe versus Transformer big screen outing, it may be a lesser known series about shape-shifting vehicles coming to theaters.

Film Divider claims to have knowledge that G.I. JOE 3 will feature a character named Matt Trakker. Afficionados of 1980s cartoons will recognize that as the main character in the animated series M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand) which featured transforming vehicles and special cybernetic masks that gave the heroes enhanced abilities. If this turns out to be true, G.I. JOE 3 would be widening their universe and potentially plant the seed for a spin-off.

The sources also claim the villains in G.I. JOE 3 are going to be mercenaries turned bankers Tomax and Xamot, who also happen to be identical twins.

Through their company, Extensive Enterprises, the twins act as the acceptable face of Cobra. They manage the terrorist organization’s business affairs as well as lead their elite Crimson Guard force. It seems like they’d be able to fill in nicely for the second film’s imprisoned Destro.

While the twin villains could work or turn out to be goofier than anything we saw in RISE OF COBRA, I anticipate keeping my expectations very low for this film. I enjoyed the second movie but did not have enough faith in it to expect anything more than TRANSFORMERS caliber filmmaking. The inclusion of M.A.S.K. could be wishful thinking from some fans with imagination, but we will find out soon as G.I. JOE 3 is expected to be aiming for a 2016 release.

Source: Film Divider

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Alex Maidy has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. A Rotten Tomatoes-approved critic and a member of Chicago Indie Critics, Alex has been's primary TV critic and ran columns including Top Ten and The UnPopular Opinion. When not riling up fans with his hot takes, Alex is an avid reader and aspiring novelist.