Tom Hanks launches online trivia game

Tom Hanks trivia

Six Academy Award nominations. Four Toy Stories. Two Oscars. One Apple Arcade trivia game. Tom Hanks is now part of the trivia world, involved with and narrating an upcoming game called Hanx101.

Hanx101 is a trivia game launching on Friday, September 2 on Apple Arcade. Unfortunately for fans of Tom Hanks, the questions won’t be based around the actor. The questions will evidently reach a wide array of topics. According to the press release, “tens of thousands of trivia questions” will be housed within the game. The game will allow single player or online mode, with players trying to “beat your own high score or challenge others in head-to-head trivia stand-offs or team play.”

Hanx101, which is the platform’s first trivia-based game, is exclusively available on iOS, macOS, and tvOS.

This isn’t the first time Tom Hanks has dipped into the digital world. In 2014, he was involved in Hanx Writer, an app meant to simulate using a typewriter. Hey, it was almost as cool as the app that let you pretend you were drinking a beer!

It’s also not Tom Hanks’ first outing with Apple, as he starred in and wrote 2020’s Greyhound and headlined last year’s Finch, both available on Apple+.

Tom Hanks’ latest, Pinocchio, is due out on Disney+ on September 8.

Recently, Tom Hanks has been reflecting on some of his past movies. The noted history buff rightfully called The DaVinci Code “hooey”, which many could agree with–although not necessarily for the reason he said. Then again, he also defended Forrest Gump’s Best Picture win over Pulp Fiction. So what does this guy really know?

As mentioned, Hanx101 won’t actually be Tom Hanks-related trivia. But that won’t stop us from throwing a few Hanks-inspired questions at our dear readers! Ready? Chime in below with the answers for a chance to win absolutely nothing!

1. Tom Hanks has been nominated six times for the Academy Award. How many times was it for Best Supporting Actor?

2. Since the beginning of this century, Tom Hanks has portrayed no fewer than a half dozen real-life people. Name three.

3. Tom Hanks has the best laugh ever in The Money Pit. True or false?

Source: BlueLine Studios

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Mathew is an East Coast-based writer and film aficionado who has been working with periodically since 2006. When he’s not writing, you can find him on Letterboxd or at a local brewery. If he had the time, he would host the most exhaustive The Wonder Years rewatch podcast in the universe.