Trailer: Happy Death Day 2U

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Death makes a killer comeback.

I never thought a PG-13 slasher movie could work – and then I watched and loved Blumhouse and writer-director Christopher Landon's HAPPY DEATH DAY starring Jessica Rothe. It was pretty badass. And thus I'm looking forward to the sequel more than my own personal birthday. And speaking of the upcoming sure-to-be PG-13 slasher sequel, today we wanted to make sure and share the killer trailer for HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U

Truthfully, I'm going to pass on watching this trailer for the time being because, as strange as it may sound, my four-year-old loves the original film (his grandmother showed it to him). And so I'm going to hold off until he gets back from school and then watch it with him and see if he's down for more bloodless slasher shenanigans. However, you can enjoy all the antics below and then let us know what you think! 

Rothe leads the returning cast of HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U, which follows this overly simple synopsis (at the moment):

This time, our hero Tree Gelbman (Rothe) discovers that dying over and over was surprisingly easier than the dangers that lie ahead.

And for those of you that need a bit more, or forgot the original rundown, here ya go:

Tree Gelbman is a blissfully self-centered collegian who wakes up on her birthday in the bed of a student named Carter. As the morning goes on, Tree gets the eerie feeling that she’s experienced the events of this day before. When a masked killer suddenly takes her life in a brutal attack, she once again magically wakes up in Carter’s dorm room unharmed. Now, the frightened young woman must relive the same day over and over until she figures out who murdered her.

Jason Blum once again produces and Christopher Landon returns to write and direct this next chapter, while Happy Death Day executive producers Angela Mancuso and John Baldecchi are newly joined by EP Samson Mucke. HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U hits this Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2019. Will you be making sure to take a date to see all the follow-up PG-13 slasher antics? Let us know below!

Source: AITH

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