Trailer unveiled for Mike Judge Presents: Tales from the Tour Bus

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

As a kid of the '90s, I grew up on Mike Judge. From sneaking BEAVIS AND BUTT-HEAD late at nights in elementary school, to watching KING OF THE HILL during FOX's old Sunday night line-up, to currently binge-watching SILICON VALLEY. What Judge doesn't get enough credit for is the specificity of his characters – no matter how crude or rude the humor might be, or spot on his satire can be. They have unique voices (minus perhaps Tom Anderson and Hank Hill), but even more than the unique way of talking, is the unique perspectives of each of his characters. It's that specificity that makes his comedies so memorable.

So even though I'm not a big fan of country music, I can still appreciate what Judge is doing here. Despite everything, these are some unique and colorful characters, and their stories seem right up Judge's alley (especially the one about Jerry Lee Lewis shooting up a dentist’s office). I'll at least give it a shot for sure.

Meanwhile TALES FROM THE TOUR BUS will run into Cinemax September 22nd.

Source: YouTube

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