Common talks working with Jared Leto, calls Suicide Squad a special film

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Common Suicide Squad Jared Leto Joker

While the reception towards BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE probably hasn't been exactly what Warner Bros. was hoping for, they have the chance to turn that all around once SUICIDE SQUAD struts its stuff. The upcoming David Ayer film populated by straight up villains and anti-heroes looks extremely promising, to me at least, and the trailers have sold me on the different type of comic book film that Ayer and company have cooked up. Common, who will be appearing in SUICIDE SQUAD as Monster T, recently spoke with Collider and revealed why he wanted to be a part of the film.

I just knew that world was a gritty comic book world that I haven’t seen. I feel like, with so many comic book movies being made, I wanted to be a part of one of the ones that is special. Obviously, you want the box office and those things, but I want to be a part of the special movies. And if I’m going to be a part of a comic movie, I don’t want it to just be the same story, where you can just place the new name and it’s the same story that you see. I’ve gotta say, one of the major reasons I knew it would be something cool and could be special is (director) David Ayer. I love his work. I got to work with him on Street Kings, but then I watched End of Watch and the dude is good, man. I think Suicide Squad could be a story told in a new way.

Common's character will be in league with the Joker and, like many of SUICIDE SQUAD's cast and crew, the actor praised Jared Leto's work on the film.

From the time I stepped on the set, I was my character and he was his character. There was no in between. It wasn’t like, “Hey, man, how’s your family doing?" The scene we have, we definitely were totally improving a lot of stuff, with some of it. Some of it, we got to improv on, but I don’t know what they’ll keep. When you’re in that space, where another actor is that person, you can just live and let it be. I was really grateful. The was one of my most fun and invigorating experiences, as an actor, with the scene I had with Jared Leto, or The Joker.

SUICIDE SQUAD, which is reportedly undergoing a few reshoots in order to amp up the humour and character development, is set for an August 5, 2016 release.

Source: Collider

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.