Cool Pics From Around the Web: Hitchcock, Han Solo & Schwarzenegger

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

We live in an age of sharing, where every moment is captured and sent into the world for liking, commenting, judging and making us feel like we have more friends than we do. As a result, the world seems so much smaller than it is, and one revolution to come out of the social media age is that we can connect with some of our icons and heroes with the click of a button, getting a glimpse into the elusive world of the show business. Here with the feature Cool Pics From Around the Web we will assemble some of the coolest, funniest, and possibly revealing photographs of the week from some of the world’s biggest stars. Don’t worry, no food pics in sight…unless someone made a dope cake in the shape of R2-D2.

This week's recap of cool pics is a varied group, featuring some artwork, behind-the-scenes goodies, and Arnold Schwarzenegger fighting social injustice like a boss. As for artwork Dwayne Johnson has modified his iconic bull tattoo to something vastly more epic, while IT producer Barbara Muschietti found some folks doing some killer Pennywise art on a building, then capping it off with some inspired staging. As for BTS glimpses, there are pics old and new, with a look at Alfred Hitchcock at work in celebration of his 118th birthday, as well as good ol' Ron Howard sharing some more looks at the HAN SOLO movie.

I was headed to #vancouver last year to shoot my second ep of @cwtheflash and director @jasonreitman was on my flight. I've known @theacademy award nominated talent behind #juno & #upintheair & #casual on @hulu for awhile, having first met him at #sundance years back. We chatted briefly and then went into earbuds-wearing flight mode. But before we landed, #jasonreitman gave me a storyboard sheet with an endearing note attached. One year after receiving this vastly validating missive, I still carry it in my bag whenever I go to work. I'm in Vancouver again (this time for my third episode of @supergirlcw) and I bumped into it again while looking for my passport. It was a pleasant reminder that while some cats may think I'm an idiot, other cats see me as an influence, or maybe even a peer. Thanks, Jason. This meant the world then and still does now. #KevinSmith #director #directing

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Does anyone know where I can get some Beryllium Spheres? #galaxyquest

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The Empire Looms Large

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It seems like I was enjoying this #chewbacca close up #UntitledHanSoloMovie #pinewoodstudios

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Out in Queens there’s a boy who dreams of being somebody. #SpiderManHomecoming 🕷

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Brilliant!😂 #gameofthronespost #gameofthrones #hbo #suicidesquad

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Evolution of the bull. Blood, sweat & years. After 3 sessions and 22hrs of tattooing with world renowned @NikkoHurtado, the story's almost done.. Every detail is a reflection of my own personal history. From the cracks and heavy damage in the bone representing life's hard lessons I've learned over the years. Just like scars and wrinkles – I'm so grateful to have 'em because they're earned. To the horns, not pointing up or out to the side, but pointing straight ahead representing relentless energy and forward progress. The core and anchor of this image is in the eye. Look closely and you'll find the life, energy, power and you'll feel the MANA (spirit). The eye tells the story of a disruptive positive energy always ready to dent the universe. Depending on the light and angle, sometimes the energy's subtle and sometimes it's glaring. But it's always alive and ready to disrupt the universe and love and protect my family and all things I love with intense passion and gratitude. Cheers to living, learning, evolving and growing. And to the positive disrupters ready to dent the universe. #EvolutionOfTheBull #TheDisrupter #TheMana #NowLetsBreakOutTheTequila

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Wonderwoman @muckrock #itmovie #itthemovie #paintthetownpennywise #pennywise @andy_muschietti

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Source: Instagram/Twitter

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